Meet The Team.

Here is our team of digital experts with the technological, product design and business expertise. These are the people we share our values, culture and objective with. Each team member is different.

This allow us to complement each other and collaborate together to achieve our goals. At Nightborn, we’re all about the team, that’s what drives us.

David Souery
Head of Design
Maxime Denuit
Head of Development
Yanick Bélanger
Full-stack developer
Hichem Tadlaoui
Digital Creative Designer
Pierre De Moor
Motion Designer
Pierre-Yves aka PY Hurd
Back-end developer

Our culture reflects
on our work.

Challenge and expect to be challenged !

Developer, designer, sales : What your business cards tells you doesn’t matter. What matter is the challenging spirit that drives every member of the team. At Nightborn we work closely together to share knowledge, ideas and inspiration. We are driven by initiatives, team spirit and character.

Make a difference doing the work you love!

At Nightborn, we care about our people, our values and culture. We are certain our team members serve clients best when they love their work. At Nightborn you’ll find an environment that fosters creativity, excellence and fun.

Our interns don’t
serve coffee, they
run on coffee !

We believe that internships are about discovering, learning and growing. Our internship programs are designed to excite and inspire by charging our interns with real engaging work and challenges. As an intern at Nightborn, you’ll work collaboratively alongside the entire team.

You want to collaborate?

Drop us a line at

Get in touch.

Get in touch

Maxime : + 32 494 90 36 65

David : + 32 468 10 07 97


Place Sainte Gudule 5, 1000 Brussels, Belgium