How to choose the best UX/UI Design and app development agency?

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI Design and app development agency

First, define your requirements

Always start by defining your project’s needs. Write down what you need for your project. Make sure this includes:

  • the goal of your application
  • the size of the project
  • the platforms
  • the skills you expect from your agency
  • the budget you have
  • the deadline

Also, think about the type of relationship you want with an application agency. Next, calculate your budget. It is better to be prepared when looking for application agencies to eliminate bad choices quickly.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI design and app development agency

Read existing case studies and look for an outstanding portfolio

By reading existing case studies of an application agency you can see who they worked with, what the project was about, and how they handled the project. It might especially be interesting if an existing case study resembles your upcoming app. Case studies can give insight into their experience as an application agency.

Multiple case studies about projects for big corporations can give a greater sense of credibility. When an agency has a big portfolio of large projects that are very well designed, you could assume they will handle bigger projects properly since they completed these in the past. Also, check if creativity is present in their case studies.

Don't forget to visit the website and check the profile and milestones to get a better understanding of the agency. You could also download one of the agency’s apps if they are free to see if they promise what they preach. Check the design and functionality in order to see if you are convinced of the agency’s work.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI Design and app development agency

Look at references and reviews

You could also contact references and clients of the application agency to gather information about their past projects. Ask about their experiences with the agency. If their experiences were great you could ask for more information. For example, what was the project they developed for you? What was the scale and timeframe of your project?

The best development companies will provide you with this sort of material even without asking. If a software house can’t show you any letters of recommendation from previous clients, it should raise a red flag. Avoid talking to companies that don’t have a proven track record of app development.

You could also read testimonials if there are any available on the internet. Testimonials are quite a credible source but will only apply to the client’s project and experiences.

Also, you can take a look at the reviews and ratings of their apps in the application stores.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI Design and app development agency

A company is all about its people

Projects are being worked on by a team. The individuals’ skills and personalities within their team are an important part of the course of the project. The atmosphere within a team can have a strong impact on the project’s result. Therefore it is important to have a good relationship with your partner. Plan a meeting with the potential agency and check if you get along.

Make sure you feel the vibe of your contact person and his agency. Look for a reliable and long-term partner that can ensure the durability of your app.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI Design and app development agency?

Understand the methodology of the agency

Another important aspect when looking for an agency is its process. Check what methodology the agency uses to work on projects and if it suits the method of your project. Don't forget to ask them if they will build a customized application or not. A personalized application could resolve multiple areas of the business.

Research is a very important part of the creation of an app. Before hiring an app agency you should ask them how they approach research and what kind of data they gather prior to writing any code.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI design and app development agency

Required support and competences

It’s important to check if the agency is compatible with your company. Check if the agency meets your project’s needs which you wrote down earlier. Discuss with the agency if they can create all the features you‘d like to have within your app.

You’ll also need to align the programming languages and software products that will be used by your app developers, so ask the agency what their technology preferences are.

Within your project, you determine the required platforms your app needs to run on. Discuss your technology stack to ensure they support software for the platform you want your app to run on.

An application agency can also become your consulting partner. When you‘d like to consult before the development of your application you could contact an application agency with advanced consultancy skills. An agency can give insightful advice regarding the design and the strategy of your project.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI design and app development agency?

Communication with your agency

Communication is an important aspect while your project is in process. You should ask about arrangements regarding communication flow when choosing your partner. Make sure to include your own requirements regarding communication. You should discuss for example the frequency at which you‘ll want to receive project updates in order to be up to date with the progress of your project.

Also, audit if they share the same set of terms and phrases and what tools they use to track the progress of a project. If they use a project management tool that you are familiar with it could be easier to share progress within the same tool.

Keep track of how frequently an agency replies to your messages and phone calls. Do they take initiative? The way they respond can give you an idea if they are interested in working with your company.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI Design and app development agency?

Size of the project and team

When you are in contact with different agencies you should make sure the agency can handle the size of your project. If the team size and structure of the agency aren’t optimal for your project it could take a long time to finish your application. You could screen the structure by checking the number of testers, developers, designers, UX/UI experts, and QA experts currently working in the company.

Nightborn - How to choose the best UX/UI design and app development agency?

Budget proposal

Finally, contact the remaining agencies regarding their budget proposal for your project. Keep in mind that the cheapest contract isn’t always the best contract. You should also keep in mind the app maintenance. A cheap product could give bugs that could be avoided in the development process. Regarding the costs, you should also discuss a clear policy around app maintenance and support. Ask how the app maintenance is charged for ongoing support. Costs could be a fixed rate or an hourly cost.

Also discuss the costs of each new app release, handling bugs, and long-term support.

In conclusion

A good application agency fulfills your project’s needs, is compatible with your company, is credible, and respects your deadline and maximum budget. Your app represents your company so it is very important to choose the right agency beforehand. Poor choice of agencies will lead to extra costs and the possibility of a low-quality project.

When you went through all these steps you have set your requirements and did your research. After thoughtful consideration, you will have a higher chance of success in finding the right agency for you.

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