
We created a completely new experience for amateur sports teams by turning a small game into a fun mobile app.

What we did ?
UX Design
UI Design
User Testing
The challenge

Very popular among amateur sports teams in Europe, the 3rd half became a classic for thousands of teams. After the match, the players hang out around a beer and vote for the Top and Flop of the match.

The concept is simple: Vote for a player, write a fun comment and discover the results of the vote. The elected players will be assigned a fun challenge!

With Eavox, the challenge was to turn a very popular game into a user-friendly mobile application that every amateur sports team could use throughout their season.

The Solution
A mobile app that brings teams together

Eavox is based on 3 points. Play. Vote. Enjoy
First, play your match with your team. Then vote and elect the best and worse players. And finally, enjoy and have fun with the team with crazy challenges! Every team has its own habits and rituals. That’s why the app will give users the possibility to unleash their creativity by creating and customizing their votes and challenges. With Eavox, you can also keep track of your teammates' performance with statistics based on previous votes. Who's going to be the real MVP?


Eavox is mainly used by young people who love hanging out and have fun around a few beers. The app had to reflect that. That's why we opted for a very playful and joyful look and illustrations.

Final words

Quickly after its release, Eavox spread out across hundreds of amateur teams playing football, hockey or even volleyball who decided to adopt Eavox on a weekly basis.

The goal of Eavox was to transform a game that was played with pencils and papers into a powerful app for sports team. The app turned out to be more than just a game played with your teammates, it also helped teams to keep track of their results and to actually see which player was the MVP based on the entire season.

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Get in touch


Maxime : + 32 494 90 36 65

David : + 32 468 10 07 97


Place Sainte Gudule 5, 1000 Brussels, Belgium