
A digital property platform that brings together homeowner and all stakeholders

Homepage of Propchain web application in 13inch Macbook pro made by Nightborn
What we did ?
UX Design
UI Design
The challenge

Becoming a homeowner is always a big step in your life, right ? Being able to buy a real estate property is a long awaited moment which brings joy and exctiment to your life.

But in most cases, comes a time where you realise that owning a property is also about managing official documents, building permits, bills … Yup, it can become overwhelming and time consuming.

Being a homewoner is also about staying ordinated and keeping those documents well classified. Propchain is the ideal solution to store all property related information and work together with your suppliers. We helped Propchain to quicky launch an MVP.

The solution
Upload documents and collaborate with stakeholders

Propchain was created to align documents and communication between all stakeholders. The application allows you to easily invite other people to share documents with them. Documents can be reviewed and certified by every stakeholder. Collaborators can also chat together to ensure smooth and quick communication.


We decided to contrast and break up austere image of a management tool, using illustrations with rounded shapes, a color palette including bright colors which makes Propchain usage more playful.

Final words

With the objective to launch an MVP, we had to act fast and deliver fast. Being involved into Propchain’s journey was quite challenging and fun.

Our approach helped us to get teams aligned and gave us the ability to collect feedback fast. Receiving feedback from stakeholders and users during our process helped us discovering things and gain insights on elements we missed or asumed. It really helped us made the application tailor made for its users.

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Get in touch

Maxime : + 32 494 90 36 65

David : + 32 468 10 07 97


Place Sainte Gudule 5, 1000 Brussels, Belgium